A review by mermaidquake
Hatter Madigan: Ghost in the Hatbox by Frank Beddor, Adrienne Kress


*I received an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review*

As someone who has been a huge Hatter fan since reading the first Looking Glass Wars book, I was excited to find out more about his past. And this book did not disappoint. Young Hatter is not the character we know from the LGW series, but hey, he's a kid. And at many turns, we see glimpses of the man he's going to become.

The story was riveting, I didn't want to put this book down. The characters were well written, something I've come to expect from Frank, and even his villains were three dimensional. Even though I ultimately disliked them, I could understand why they acted the way they did.

There were a few places where the pacing fell flat, but overall, it's a fantastic story, and I am eagerly awaiting the next book. If you're a fan of Hatter Madigan, this book will not disappoint!