A review by lisxjayne
The End of Oz by Danielle Paige


From other reviews i've read, it seems a lot of people dislike this book and thought Danielle milked the series. I however, completely disagree, I loved each of the 4 books.

I loved the dual perspectives in this book, showing us a whole new side to Dorothy. I especially appreciated the way we saw events from both Amy and Dorothys point of view, and seeing them both figure things out and watch everything click into place was just so satisfying. It amazed me how well Danielle managed to create such a distinction between Amy and Dorothys voices, while showing us just how similar they were at the same time.

Character development in this series is insane, and watching all of the characters change and mature over the course of the 4 books was such a lovely experience. Each character has their own voice, personality, and background enabling you to submerg yourself into their lives.

I still have many questions about the land of Oz itself (which I hope will be answered in the novellas) and I found the whole mystery aspect of it so inticing, almost magical.

Personally, i found the ending to be exactly what I wanted it to be; full of action, twisting and turning at every corner and leaving you wishing there was more.