A review by sparklingreader
Take Down by Jess Anastasi


Danny Jones left his comfortable job in Houston to return home to the small town of Everness to help his mom who has cancer. In Houston, he was out and comfortable, but when he returns, he has to go back into the closet or risk the wrath of his abusive father. Then he meets Deputy Jake Perez, a new resident who is on the trail of a psychotic killer. They meet when Danny runs his truck into a disabled car (at a blind curve) and Jake saves his life. There is instant attraction, but Danny doesn’t dare do anything about it. Then the bodies start piling up and everything points to Danny.

This was a story that started intensely with the accident and subsequent explosion. And it didn’t let up.

The characters of Danny and Jake are three-dimensional with issues, both internal and external that makes them realistic. The secondary characters, especially the sheriff, are there as strong support rather than just background. There was a strong attraction between the two main characters and grew organically as the story moved forward. I loved Jake’s sensitivity to Danny’s wish to keep his father from finding out about them and Danny’s determination to help his mom even though all he wants to do is get away from his father.

Although it’s pretty obvious who is doing all the killing, it works for the story because this is a romantic suspense and not a solid murder mystery. The author does a good job of building the suspense and keeping you on the edge of your seat when Danny disappears. Jake is the only one who believes Danny is still alive. Danny’s father is truly nasty—but the author introduces a bit of humanity to him when he realizes Danny is gone and everyone thinks he killed him. That was an interesting scene, well thought-out and well-done.

Details: the setting is a small town in Texas near Houston. But we really don’t know any details about it other than that – oh, and that there’s one bar in town. Still, the lack of details isn’t a big problem, but a little more would have been nice.

So… romance, suspense, murder, acceptance, and more combined to make a compelling read that keeps you turning the page. I definitely recommend this book.