A review by evitaveda
The Lighthouse Witches by C.J. Cooke


“We form stories about our lives to create meaning out of them – without meaning, they feel shapeless, and without purpose. When something lies beyond the realm of meaning, it’s terrifying.” 

The Lighthouse Witches was an eerie and haunting tale that gripped me instantly. It made me wonder whether I need to add more mysterious thrillers to my TBR. 

The story was told through different characters at different times. This helped make the mystery more intriguing and it kept the reader guessing. The characters were flawed and although I wasn’t sure I necessarily liked them all, they felt like real people (with some bad decision making skills). This definitely gave me a few moments of “do I actually like this book?” whilst reading, but whenever I began to doubt, I was quickly drawn back into the mystery. I have to mention that I really liked how the ending turned out. I did not see it coming at all! 

All in all a great reading experience and a perfect atmospheric read for dark autumn nights. I will definitely be picking up more books by this author in the future.