A review by quitenerdyblog
Star Wars: Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Captain Phasma by Kelly Thompson


A friend bought this for me around the time it first came out, which felt like a joke but has ironically proved another piece of evidence as to why I feel Star Wars is broken. This is a really well drawn comic, fleshing out in interesting ways a character whose only on-screen purpose has been to suffer two unceremonious deaths. However, because of that, it feels pointless. Why spend all this paper fleshing out a character who is of no importance to the Star Wars story at all? It smacks of "people liked this character's design, we should fill her story in", except the creatives knew she wasn't actually important enough for the films. I feel myself rambling, but the TL:DR is, it's a cool comic but wasted on a pointless character.