A review by nbvanderhyden
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness


Y’all, "A Discovery of Witches,” let me tell you-

So, this book is basically a 600 page prologue.

Diana, our Heroine, spends the first half of the book walking around moaning and
groaning because she doesn’t want to be a witch. “Wha, I don’t want to use my
powers.”. You spend the whole first half of the book waiting for something
to happen.

The plot picks up speed during the middle and then towards the end, I had this
sinking feeling that there weren’t enough pages left to accomplish the tasks and solve the
mysteries. Turns out that my gut was correct. Just as Diana has decided to learn
to control her powers and the plot gets complex, the book is over. No mysteries are solved.
No marriages consummated. No powers are controlled. We have more questions than
answers. Plans are made, but we don’t get to see the fulfillment.

Diana is like Harry Potter. A extra-special magical, yet orphan, witch who is uncovering the great
secrets of long ago and aiming to make the world a better place. However, A Discover
of Witches is like when Harry and gang decide to put the three headed dog to sleep and
go inside the trap door it/they are guarding but instead of seeing the outcome, imagine the book
just ending there.

I am intrigued by the setting/location/plot (what I'm assuming is the plot) of the second
book. Alas, I have other commitments in my tbr and can't afford the time to read 2000 pages of *maybe* a good read. I’ll decide later
if I want to read the final two books or just wiki the synopsis. Either way, I would like to know how
The End comes about.

Look, it’s not a bad book. A bit boring, not really a Capital R romance, and my eyes did glaze
over a bit as mitochondrial DNA was analyzed. For about a page, I did for sure think Diana was a hermaphrodite and going to have her
own baby. Like, she was gonna be both mother and father to this little incest baby.
That was kind of fun. Overall it was a very detailed, involved, complex,
focused read that I did appreciate. It was a nice detour from my typical brain candy diet of pure

Alrighty, they have kissed but we’ve all been left frustrated, and I’ve told you about it!