A review by bookishnicole
Hidden by Sophie Jordan


One thing that I really loved about the Firelight trilogy was that it was a totally different beast (pun intended). Series lately seem to swirl around dystopian, vampires, or werewolves. I also felt that this book ended the series in the best way, probably one of the most satisfying endings for a series I've seen.

This book had all the great staples, it had love, it had heartbreak and of course, it had lots of action and fighting. I felt more comfortable with Jacinda if you followed my earlier posts on Firelight, then you know I didn't like her a lot. She was wishy washy and couldn't stick to a decision, but in this book, I felt like she stuck more to her guns. She was determined to do what she had to to save everyone.

I loved Will and Jacinda, even though I wasn't sure who I liked her with better. Both of them were so great to her in the earlier books that I thought for sure she would end of with no one because I loved them both. But she does make her decision in this book. How could she not though in the last book of the series?

I did feel that the book could have been a little bit more drawn out at the end because it was like "BAM! This happened" then two pages later, something else was going on. I would have liked more development from other characters, but essentially it wasn't necessary to the story.

All in all, this was a great ending to the series. Even though the dragons and what they actually looked like confused me a bit, I still liked how everything tied together and how Jordan created a new type of creature and lore.