A review by lefthandedbibliophile
Royal Ball by Sheralyn Pratt


The book opens with some unknown entity heading to some unknown destination (I more or less didn’t care at that particular moment)
The book opens with our female protag, who is suffering from the affliction of any sane thinking person-Curiosity. But we all know what happens to those who suffer from that!

YES!!! And that is exactly what happens. She or should I say I fell into the proverbial rabbit hole. It all is impressively crazy from here on. There would be times when I asked myself

Book Said:

There would be moments of sheer brilliance with mind boggling analogies and parlour tricks, involving....I kid you not!

But it all came together in the end (or I would like to think so)

This book is like one of the characters (of the book), which another character describes about that (aforementioned) character, “..it all makes sense in retrospect”
I kept scratching my head and feeling like a fool the entire time I read the book.

I seriously don’t know how to rate this book. Do I give it 1 star for making me feel that I have the IQ of a fly or do I give it 5 stars for the author being so brilliant and bla bla bla
I’l go with 3.75 and be gone with it.

P.S.- The place with which the book opens has an implication in “retrospect”. JFYI.