A review by novelesque_life
City of Schemes by Victoria Thompson


2021; Berkley Publishing

I am so happy that this series keeps getting better! In book four, we have Elizabeth and Gideon planning their wedding (yay!). And, even better the Great War is over so the men and women are now coming home. The consequences of the war are not the same for everyone, and Thompson does a great job in keeping that in mind when writing this book. I label this series as a "cozy" historical mystery as nothing is overly graphic in violence and sex. Yet, this is not as fluffy as "cozy" may sound. The covers for the novels are also gorgeous and give off that light series vibe. I would compare it to [a:C.S. Harris|22067|C.S. Harris|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1283051864p2/22067.jpg] series but with less graphic murder scenes. If you have not read this series or Sebastian St. Cyr series, oh my, you are in for such great treats. I am all caught up with the latter series and each book gets better (much like this one).

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***