A review by jenafyre
Long, Tall Cowboy Christmas by Carolyn Brown


I love Happy, Texas! I love the Dawson family and all of their extended friends. To make this book even better, it is Christmas in Happy, Texas, the time for love, laughter, and above all else, miracles. I love the way that this story unfolded, and was so happy for a Christmas HEA. This is the story of Nash and Kacey

Kacey Dawson has experienced loss in her life. Two years ago her husband was killed while on a military mission, leaving her with 3 little babies to raise, one that he never even had the chance to meet. Back in Happy, Texas with her family, she has shut down her heart and is resolved to be happy with her life the way that it is now, the thought of a relationship or another man in her life is frightening, that is until Nash Lamont.

Nash Lamont is riddled with guilt. Suffering from PTSD and the knowledge that he survived when 3 of the members of his team died is too much for him to bare. He never thought that he would end up in Happy, Texas, and he certainly never thought that he would ever meet the woman that haunted his dreams, the wife of his best friend, Adam, the man that took his place and died instead of him.

When Nash falls off a ladder and ends up not remembering anything, thinking that Kacey and her kids are his family, Kacey has no choice but to move on to the Texas Star and help Nash heal. When his memory comes back, and as Kacey and the kids make themselves at home on the ranch, Nash knows a peace that he has not felt in a long time. But things might just blow up in his face, because he is hiding the truth from Kacey, a truth that could not only make her run back to Hope Springs, but it might just take what is left of his battered heart with her.

What I loved about Nash and Kacey is that they understood each other on a deep level. Her being an army wife, him being a soldier, they understood that there were things that they could not speak of, had to keep secret. I love that Nash felt the need to tell Kacey everything, even though he knew that it could push her away. I loved that Kacey was patient and understanding, no don't get me wrong she was madder than a wet hen, but when she realized that what happened, happened and it was not for her or anyone to blame Nash. She helped him heal and he helped her live and love again.

Rustin, Emma and Silas made me laugh at their little antics. They opened their little arms and hearts and sucked Nash right in, loving him and including him and wanting to be where ever he was. They made this story even more magical. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series and cannot wait to come back to Happy to visit all of my favorite cowboys again.