A review by staticdisplay
The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare by Lilian Jackson Braun


I don't remember reading this at all. I've been reading this series for most of my life - before I ever knew I would live in Michigan, and long since leaving. I'm now going back to re-read it all in order. I love all of the characters, but I never got to see their stories develop chronologically, so it feels a lot like I'm reading a new series. there's a big shift at the start of this story; time has passed, and the characters are a little softer and less "gritty." (mostly just that Qwilleran's flirting becomes a lot more genteel. also there's an actual Gritty.) it's so much darker and more tragic than I realized. it's quite difficult to consider this a "cozy." LJB creates colorful characters, so even a tertiary character who never speaks has a compelling death (which happens several times in this book). I really enjoyed the way all the historical elements were intertwined. Qwilleran doesn't do much investigation, the information all comes to him. but it's a series of serious and sad events... LJB has created a very real little world. she manages a lot of humor and warmth, which is important to balance all of the other things that happen.