A review by rmarcelita08
The Silent History by Matthew Derby, Eli Horowitz, Kevin Moffett


I picked up this book thinking it was a non-fiction. The summary in the back cover sounded so scientific, I thought it was an actual memoir of a real-life phenomenon. I was a little disappointed when I learned it was fiction, though, because the phenomena of silent children seem very, very interesting to me.

The book is basically a compilation of "memoirs" or "testimonies" from parents, teachers, siblings, relatives, and friends of "silents," a group of children born verbally disabled. The book describes the lives of these affected families and how they handle their respective tragedies. Some learn to accept their fate and how to live with these children while some refuse to adapt and continue searching for a cure to their disabilities. The novel chronicles the life and trials of these kids and the people around them whose lives are impacted by their profound silence.

It is a very simple and easy read, pretty interesting overall, too. Very eye-opening, too. I quite enjoyed it.