A review by spoodlyphoenix
Snow White by Alice Callisto, Jeanette Rose


I received a free copy of Snow White thanks to NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

I generally enjoy modern takes/retellings of classic fairytales, but this one missed the mark for me. On a positive note, I did enjoy the idea of some individuals being Vessels for certain kinds of magics, and I absolutely adored that this was a F/F pairing, with Snow not being a damsel in distress who's waiting for her Prince Charming to save the day.

The plot of the book was extremely predictable, and I saw items that seemed almost as if they were taken from other fantasy realms. An example of this would be mixing in other Disney princesses/villains (such as Belle & Maleficent) and even the changes to Snow's story. I've seen very similar in other books and TV shows, so it didn't feel original.

Beyond that, Snow seemed incredibly childish and immature for someone who is 18 years old. None of the characters seemed particularly complex, and anyone outside of our main stars seemed like throwaways at best.

Finally, the end seemed rushed, and also left off at a very weird point. I'm not sure if the author intended for the ending to be so abrupt, or if this is a series and the next book will pick up right from that point.