A review by lohn
How Selfish by Olivier Tallec, Clare Helen Welsh


I received this ebook from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I cracked up (literally laughed out loud) at the first page of this book, so you know it's a good one right off the bat! The illustrations are adorable and there's not too much on each page to get kids distracted when reading it.

Dot's friend, Duck, shows her things and she takes them away saying that they are hers. Duck asks if they can share and she blatantly says no. When Duck says he's going to tell on her, she finally wants to share because she doesn't want to get in trouble, but she still won't share the one thing Duck wants - a stick. He finally convinces her to trade the stick for all the other toys, but he lies and keeps them all to himself. They are both pretty sad and Duck finds a way for them to both play with the stick. Together.