A review by kayceslitlife
Skinny Bitch: A No-Nonsense, Tough-Love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous! by Kim Barnouin, Rory Freedman


This is the book that prompted me to become a vegetarian and steer clear of meat altogether. The decision came after a chapter on slaughter houses and hearing the horrendous things these animals are put through to satisfy dietary desires.

But I will say this, this book is a vegan book in disguise. The authors even say on their website that the title was a marketing ploy because they knew some women would not buy the book if they knew it was a vegan book. Having been duped as a consumer, I don't appreciate that, but I still got the point they were making and it's led me on a healthier journey than where I was.