A review by leelah
Blamed by Edie Harris


2,5 stars

A little too predicable and writing is definitely more simple, more silly and less challenging then it was in [b:The Corrupt Comte|17913508|The Corrupt Comte (The Bourbon Boys Quartet, #1)|Edie Harris|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1368463281s/17913508.jpg|25104381] or [b:Wild Burn|16103311|Wild Burn (Wild State, #1)|Edie Harris|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1350956418s/16103311.jpg|21914512].
I know she wrote NA (I haven't read them, though), so maybe this is closer to that style.
The story is...well, like a mash between Nikita and Mr.&Ms. Smith...
I just wasn't surprised with plot, not once...
Sex was hot though.