A review by allingoodtime
The Lawman by Lily Graison


I have been reading a lot of free Kindle books lately, hence the plethora of romance novels I've been reviewing. I have come across a wide gamut of books in this way. Everything from garbage to good to would be great with an editor's help to awesome in every way. Sometimes I'm even lucky enough to stumble on a big name author or title for free. So I can't really complain...but I'm going to anyway.

I understand self publishing, what I don't understand is not having your friends or family read what you've written before self publishing. It can really make all the difference in the world. Even if they don't know much about writing, there are little things they may catch that the writer will not since they know what it's supposed to say and may skim over the errors.

That being said, this book would have gotten 4 stars if there had been anyone looking behind the author and fixing some mistakes. I really enjoyed the story and thought it was great to have a heroine in the old west not be so prim and proper and shocked if you looked at her wrong like most authors write. Sadly, the punctuation was off so often throughout this book that it pulled me out of the story. I am a fairly fast reader and find it distracting when I have to go back and read a line a second or even third time to figure out what the author is trying to say - all because a comma is placed incorrectly. We all know that a comma, period, semi-colon, etc. can drastically change the meaning and tone of a sentence.

Other than that, I enjoyed the characters and story telling in this book. I will pick up the next in the series at some point and hope that the author's punctuation got better.