A review by ellikiress
The City of Dusk by Tara Sim



Honestly this was a huge disappointment. Sad to say but I really did not enjoy this book. The first page set my expectations high, cause such a great opening, but then just before midway it went downhill. 

However it wasn’t all negative. I liked and still do like the world building. Nexus seemed like something that could actually exist. It was structured very well and had some culture which made it seem real and shaped the story well. 

My problem starts with the pacing of the book. Although this is smt personal, as are all reviews, I don’t enjoy fast paced books. This book was not only faced paced with the story but also with the characters and their relations to each other. I thought this book was supposed to have unforgettable and lovable character, this was not the case. I really did not like anyone all that much. I liked Angelica the most out of all of them, but honestly I was just always counting the pages until the chapter ended. Sad. Also I felt like thing were, as stated before, rushed so plot twists didn’t hit and newfound relationships had no feelings behind them. 

I know this is the first book in a series so development may still happen. Though feeling this disappointed and not caring about the plot, cause it had no emotional or exiting/ mysterious impact I don’t think a sequel will change my feelings. 

I wish I could have enjoyed it more, I had fun in the very beginning but sadly this was just not it for me.