A review by metalandmets
The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism by Ayn Rand


3.00 out of 5.00

Well, this could’ve been 50 pages and no one would have noticed a difference. What a slog.

Like all philosophy I’ve read before, it steps on itself a little bit and just repurposes words with new but basically the exact same meaning.

It was thought provoking, the first time she said it, a fair amount I agreed and a little bit I disagree with, but a fraction of it was downright stupid.

I will say, this is mostly negative, but the actual core of the philosophy is still pretty sound, it was just long winded.

At least it makes more sense than The Satanic Bible so... progress?

I was a bit harsh on this fresh off of reading it but it’s settled in pretty nicely after a week. The philosophy is pretty sound but I still do think the writing style was really long.