A review by krisis86
Running Away to Home: Our Family's Journey to Croatia in Search of Who We Are, Where We Came From, and What Really Matters by Jennifer Wilson


I really liked some of this book, but ultimately I was completely bored by the genealogy aspect. Which is terrible, especially as a practicing Mormon. Genealogy is supposed to be my thing! I just couldn't figure out what her draw was to her family. She seemed bored by it all and so was I.

I can't imagine moving to a place where you speak 3 words of the language. And never learning Croatian. Or maybe she did learn Croatian, but she never mentioned it. She never mentioned if her kids picked the language up either. I also would have liked more information about the kids in the beginning (I had no idea how old Zadie was until page 30.)

I would have liked to read about their winter in Rovinj so I was disappointed that it ended when the family left Mrkopalj.

I'm glad I read it, and it's very inspiring and I want to travel the world and go live somewhere awesome now. But not Croatia. I'm thinking Sweden.