A review by nixwolfwood
Andromeda by Amy Bartelloni


This book was interesting enough to draw my attention, so I one-clicked it. I have had this book for a while, but was recently asked to review the second book and I figured now was as good a time as any to read the series.

I really tried to like this book, but it was difficult to read. The editing was fine, and it flowed fine for the most part, but there was no connection. The book went by too quickly, skipping through things and losing an emotional connection in the process.

The whole idea of it all was pretty interesting, which is what kept me reading, but the execution needs work. There are parts that make no sense, contradict themselves, and are just filler space. It would have been better if the author went into a little more detail on the relationships and things going on in the story. Everything just seemed too cluttered.

It needs work, but I would be willing to reread if changes are made.

2.5/5 Platypires
