A review by anya_reads
EverMarked by AJ Eversley


I received an ARC of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a huge disappointment. The premise sounded intriguing, and as a massive dystopian/sci-fi fan, I thought this would be right up my street. Sadly, this wasn't the case.

My main problem was the characters. Sienna and Jayla (the main characters) felt like the exact same person. Sure, they had combat skills and tragic backstories, but apart from that? There wasn't anything unique about either of them. If it weren't for the side characters mentioned, I wouldn't know which character's point of view I was reading.

This brings me onto the side characters. Both main characters had more chemistry with their girl best friend than they did with their actual guy love interest, but of course it wasn't cannon. The side characters had slightly more personality than the main characters, but not enough to entice me.

Because I didn't care about the characters, I then didn't care about the story. Did I think the world had potential? Yes. Was it compelling and strong enough to make me want to keep reading? No.

Overall, I wasn't a fan of Evermarked at all, which was such a shame because I had high expectations.