A review by lifeinthebooklane
Reunion by Ariana Nash


"You know I'll always keep you safe," he told the wind, hoping that wherever Akeim was, he'd hear him in his heart and come home.

This is the much longed for icing on the cake of the Silk & Steel series, where the dragon brothers are, as the title suggests, reunited. Of course it isn’t a simple as seeing one another and falling into hugs and back slaps. After all Lysander is an Emerald and Akiem has been conditioned since birth to hate, and kill, them.

Also Zane has heard about Eroan, and he isn’t happy to see his fellow elf. So in typical Ariana Nash style the path to peace involves lots of tail biting, some thrown punches and bruised egos. Plus an allergy to the grass. We are also treated to some incredibly hot moments alongside sweet and tender scenes too.

And now he truly was caught, and he couldn't think of anywhere else in all his travels he'd rather be, than pinned beneath Lysander, the Dragon King.

I loved this book, absolutely adored it because Eroan, Lysander, Akiem and Zane all have a space in my heart. I hated it too, despite it being everything I wanted it felt like a final goodbye to these guys that I’m STILL not quite ready to let go of. It simply means I’ll have to re-read the entire series, so that I can enjoy their amazing love stories all over again.

with all of him spread on the bed, he was a gift Eroan struggle not to unwrap.

Ariana Nash had me hooked from the first line to last in this novella, she stirred my emotions and made my heart bleed yet another time for the damaged little boy that is Akiem. I’m so glad he got to find his peace of heart and mind.

Of course we now need to see Akeim to show Zane his place of birth.