A review by stormyways13
Desperate Hours by David Mack


Warning, this review may contain spoilers for the show Star Trek Discovery seasons 1 and 2.

I really enjoyed reading this book, as I like anything Star Trek related. With each chapter, it never failed to keep my attention. That being said, this book does have a few flaws, that really is not the book's fault.

I think that this book needs a few tweaking since Season 2 of the show has aired. In this book, Spock and Michael are distant and not really connected as they are in the show.
Spoiler In the show is revealed that Spock and Michael are siblings, but here in the book, it's almost sort of hinted at but not really confirmed.

Other than that I really loved that both Pike and Georgiou are featured in this novel. After the show, Pike has quickly become one of my favorite captains of Star Trek. To see there characters expanded more, really made me happy.

Alien technology has been a long interest to me, and this novel has it all. From colonists in distress and a mysterious vessel from years in the past. There is even
Spoiler a rogue governor
. involved.

Overall if you love Star Trek or Star Trek Discovery, check this book out. You can not go wrong! There are so many awesome details you can learn about the characters. Even if they are considered beta canon.