A review by melerihaf
Red-Eared Sliders by Katrina Smith


I was given an unexpected pair of red-eared slider hatchlings for Christmas, and I had no clue what to do. I searched the internet and found out that in order to properly care for my new pets, I had to make home-made "turtle loaf" out of gelatin and shrimp. I checked out a couple of other books, and they either were too general, about tortoises, or written by crazy turtle ladies (is that a thing?) who have at least ten aquariums full of turtles in their houses. This one calmed me down and made me feel like I could handle having turtles. It reassured me that pellets were just fine to feed my turtle babies. It told me that I didn't have to have the fanciest turtle stand on the market. I even found out that I can use normal light bulbs for heat as long as they get hot enough. It made me feel like I can do this. Thank you, Katrina Smith!