A review by plantbirdwoman
Good Poems: American Places by Garrison Keillor


The only thing that the poems in this book really all have in common is an American voice and sense of place, and so they are especially appealing to an American reader. I'm not sure if they would be equally as appealing to readers from other parts of the world, unless it were a reader who was struggling to get a sense of what these crazy Americans are all about. Overall, the book is a profile of the quirkiness and diversity that is America.

There are so many good poems here but two stand out in my mind as favorites. The first is John Updike's "Baseball," not surprising perhaps since I am a baseball fan and an Updike fan. The second is "Why I Have A Crush On You, UPS Man" by Alice N. Persons. What can I say? As one who looks forward to visits from her UPS man, I could relate.