A review by smsienk
Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do by Eve Rodsky


There were some really good concepts here that I will take with me. There was also a lot of preaching strict adherence to this system, no matter your personal circumstances, that honestly made me question the system itself if it lacks that much flexibility.

I think this book and the concepts behind it are important and a great way to start conversations within a partnership about tasks, time, and personal growth. I particularly loved the emphasis on all phases of a task (Conception, Planning, Execution), mutually agreed upon standards for tasks, and the analysis of how common pitfalls occur in managing a household. There was a lot of meat there and I think that makes it worth a read.

Audio wasn't the best format for me for something like this - seeing it visually would have helped a lot. I also wanted some flexibility from Rodsky - there's just no way one system fits for every family dynamic. I understand she has books and a system to sell, but the sales pitch came on too strong.