A review by beardedbarista
The Elfstones of Shannara by Terry Brooks


Well I did it. I have completed the second book of the Shannara Trilogy.
I was called out that I would not read it and I not only have now done that. I am reading the entire trilogy.

And its pretty good. No Lord of the Rings but IF it had been first on the scene it might be a movie you owned.

The book takes place 50 years later. This was upsetting to me because it being a sequel I assumed I would need to read the first book. This was not true. The only truly note worthy carry over from the first book is Eventine the king of the elves.. and Allanon of course. But seriously If you see this book dont fret about reading Sword of Shannara first.

This book as well as the first were both a bit long winded and by the end I was grateful they finally spit it all out. The story and plot was easy to grasp and Brooks explained everything almost too much in the end. The battles were a bit more epic in this book. I also like that the book keeps the random art included. Seeing the characters definitely helps invisioning the scenes and landscapes. I did have quite a problem constructing some of the scenes but that may just be me.

Overall a decent read as far as my limited fantasy knowledge goes.