A review by mora55
The Door to the Lost by Jaleigh Johnson

The book was cute and the world and concept was interesting and unique! It also touched on some heavier and more serious things, like immigration and being displaced from your home and unable to return while feeling like you don't quite belong where you've ended up.

It doesn't help that these kids are actively persecuted and chased down and have to fend for themselves. Grown adults spit at them and call them monsters when they're just scared, lost kids who have no choice in the matter. I really felt Rook's longing to go home and the difficulty she had reconciling with the fact that she can't, or at least definitely shouldn't. That her home is something they had escaped for a reason and they were actually lucky to be away from.

I really loved Rook's relationship with Drift and how close they were, and then how they formed a relationship with Fox. I also appreciated the found family aspect between the three of them and then later
SpoilerDanna, Heath, and the rest of the children at the sanctuary.
Rook's powers (and the others', but especially Rook's) are also very neat.

(I won this book from a giveaway from Nicole @ FeedYourFictionAddiction - thank you!)