A review by _inge_
Fix Your Period: Banish Bloating, Conquer Cramps, Manage Moodiness and Become a Menstruation Maven by Nicole Jardim

informative medium-paced


Well, I probably got this book for the same reason that many of its readers do: because of period related problems. For the last couple of years, I've been having increasing aches and pains which have come to a point that I had to do something. It had gotten to twice a month (ovulation and period) pain and headaches which required medication and made me feel like crap for 4-5 days a month. As I'm likely approaching perimenopause it seemed like a good time to learn more about hormones as they will probably fluctuate quite a bit more for the next decade or so.

So, did this six week programme help? I've followed the advice from week one (adding a bunch of veggies to my diet), week two (stabilising blood sugar without testing). I have not done week 3 (elimination diet) because I wanted to see if the changes from week one and two would have an effect without this step. Not changed anything from week 4 as I was already doing the things advised. Might switch to another deodorant when it runs out as it's one of the final possible toxin sources. Not done week 5 specifically, but am going to keep watching stress levels. And not done week 6 as I don't show the symptoms mentioned, but will make some more changes to the diet to support the thyroid. 

After five weeks, I've had only a couple of hours of headache during my period (only one ibuprofen killed it). No pain in my breasts. Ovulation was just two weeks into the programme, but I had no ovulation pain and one day of headache instead of two. So I'd say it seems to be working. 

I'll go ahead and follow the tips for each phase of the period, tweaking what to eat in which week. I might try a dairy elimination in the summer to see if it clears my skin, if it hasn't already. And I have also changed the veggies I will grow in my garden to match what is good to eat - since my grocery bill has gone up with all these nutritious foods that have been added to the weekly shop.