A review by 1siobhan
A Symposium in Space by K.S. Trenten


*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book!*

This is a sci-fi retelling heavily inspired by Plato's Phaedo (De Anima). It is also feminist and set in a matriarchy where men have been made redundant. The world building is okay, yet the focus lies on the philosophical ponderings of a female Sokrat and thus, a literal symposium in space.

As a former philosophy major I found this entertaining and enjoyable as I liked all the obvious and hidden references to philosophy. It might not entertain somebody not interested in this form of discourse via dialogue.

The book was also extremely short which I liked as I didn't get bored, yet the story had much more potential so:

3,5-4 Stars