A review by erine
Things in the Basement by Ben Hatke


Quite possibly the best answer to the question of where odd socks disappear to.

Milo heads to the basement on a quest to find a younger sibling’s lost sock and is quickly swept into a whole other realm all seemingly located within his house. Gives off bigger-on-the-inside vibes, with a dash of Narnia.

The second book this year to offer up a Skull as a main character (see [b:The Skull|60539545|The Skull|Jon Klassen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1671459705l/60539545._SX50_.jpg|95411730]). Also features a very sad tentacled eyeball, a goat named Ophelia who misses her boyfriend, a wandering goat boyfriend named Ibn Battuta, a ghost, several musical mushrooms, and a set of chattering teeth that are completely out of control.

I found this wildly delightful with just the right balance of spooky, humor, and heartfelt friendship.