A review by curioustomes
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson

challenging dark emotional funny hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


This book will "...brighten your spark and help you wish well to others..."

Through the rules and unexpectedly, a lot of bible analysis, Peterson conveys the paradox that life is very deep and not deep at all. 

I've never really seen the value in religion, especially Christianity, didn't think this book was how I would see its worth. But here we are. Didn't put that on my bingo card this year!

I feel Peterson harnessed a lot of the values, principles and lessons my parents tried to teach me and put it into a really accessible format. As a parent I think he would be pretty happy to hear that. 
I really enjoy personal annecdotes, extra points if they are dark, shocking, morbid and emotional, which Peterson delivers here.

My opinion on Peterson has greaty changed after reading this book. I once dismissed him as a misogynist and cringe podcast shit talker. However, after hearing more on his personal philosophies and life experiences, I'm more inclined to think of him as a very intelligent and down-to-earth Psychologist. 

The audio was a really great choice with this book. 

Also, my eating style is animal-based/carnivore and I was very interested to note Peterson and his family also follow the same eating habits. Just another reason I changed opinion so dramatically.