A review by fennecsgirl
A Girl Named Digit by Annabel Monaghan


Full review at Dear Book Reader.

Dear Book Reader,

Digit is nothing short of a math genius. Now a senior in high school, she tries her best to hide her gift of working with numbers from everyone and just does her best to blend in. One night she catches some numbers along the bottom of the screen during a television show she’s watching with friends – and realizes this isn’t the first time she’s seen random numbers there.

Then a terrorist attack happens, and as Digit puts the pieces together, she finds herself in real danger. Suddenly she’s in FBI custody because the terrorists are out to end her life. Everything is about to change. Along with her bodyguard/boyfriend, Digit finds herself being “kidnapped”, tossed into hiding, and on the run to solve this crime before it’s too late for another one to take place.

What other problems does Digit find herself in along the way?

What happens with the boy she’s falling for?

Does another attack happen, or is Digit quick enough to stop another one?

I wasn’t sure if, going into this book, I’d really like it. Once I go into it though, I wanted to keep going! This book is fast paced, full of action and excitement, and many adventures. Oh, and there’s a little romance thrown in as well.

The only thing I couldn’t love about this book, although at points it did make sense, is how quickly the romance and relationship bloomed. The only thing keeping it from going too far was Digit’s age, being only seventeen. I guess I’m just getting tired of all the quickie I’m-so-in-love relationships that pop up in books and have it all work out. Okay, so there might be some relationship problems, but it always seems to end just perfectly. Of course, this is coming from someone that’s seen too many quickie relationships end. They’re just difficult to belive in.

Digit was a quick read, which was nice, considering the length of most books these days. It’s that combination of a fluffy ready with a bit of “gotta pay attention to what’s going on”. The plot moves along smoothly without missing a beat. The characters each have their own voice and personality. I loved how easily the writing flowed and transitioned. There was always something there than kept me hanging on for one more page, one more chapter until the book had ended.

Stars: *****

Read On,


This book was checked out at my awesome public library!