A review by sireno8
Slip of the Knife by Denise Mina


Riveting. I don't usually read a bunch of one author at one time but I made an exception for this one. Couldn't get enough. I was reading it and loving it early on but wondering in the back of my mind if I'd be digging this as much as I was if I hadn't read the first 2 and gotten so thoroughly invested in the characters and their world. Then the three or more story lines Mina had been picking at from this book and the other two completely surrounded me and was swept away for the ride. The wonderful thing about Mina's stuff is you never know what's coming next. Really bad things happen to really good people so no one is safe. Characters are alternatively tough and fragile. Crazy people do the sanest things. Even the "genre" is constantly changing from, murder mystery to family drama to crime fiction to psychological profile to down right Hitchcockian suspense. This is the last Paddy Meehan book (I hope--because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ending) but I will definitely check out the author's other titles!