A review by geo_ix
Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead


3.5 stars. So I pretty much hated the first half, and if I hadn't have bought this in paperback I may not have finished. I found it super slow in the beginning which is my main hate and I just wasn't connecting because Georgina was an ice queen (also, having lived with this name forever, NOONE calls me that, it's always Georgie or my nickname geo, Georgina is reserved for my father when he writes my birthday card and spells it wrong... Don't ask me how he's just special...)

So it's not her REAL name, that's Lethe, and having disliked my name forever because it's super long and never ever on keychain a and mugs unless you search the bloody globe, I'd just had it stuck in my head that she was the biggest twat in existence for choosing something I dislike so much... Also having a cover of a red head with light coloured eyes just kept making me think I was reading a book where I myself was a cool ass Succubus, one of my favourite paranormal creatures that's not in enough romance books because come on, as if there isn't enough book drama for a Succubus trying to find love!

The last, I'd like to say 30-35% of the book, mainly the last 100 pages I think it was, was SUPER great to read. Suddenly there's a heap of emotion and I was swooning and I finally stopped guessing who the person was when it was revealed I was right! And that my second guess was also right! And that I shouldn't ever second guess myself and hurt my brain then accusing every other character of being a bad guy. Sigh. I even thought Seth at one point... And CODY of all people. But they shouldn't have been so shady together even if it was cute.

All that said, I want to read on, but I don't think I will. I'm weary. In this, Seth talks about his book and how the guy and girl shouldn't end up together because then it's happened... I don't think I can deal with that many books of hoping they'll get together for nothing... So I'm just going to cheat and read reviews and stuff. Oh well.