A review by flygirl_01
What She Found in the Woods by Josephine Angelini


Note: please check the content warnings at the beginning of the book (updated one). Content warnings are:

. mental and physical abuse
. drug abuse
. racism
. eating disorders
. self-harm/suicide

It's hard to say much about this novel without giving everything away. All I can say is what follows in this review. Magdalena (who goes by Magda or Lena) did something awful, to the point where she needed to live with her grandparents for the summer. While living with her grandparents, she meets a mysterious boy named Bo. However, not all is as it seems in the town.

The novel tackles difficult subjects, such as drug overdosing, mental health, and making horrible mistakes. The main character has done bad things, and she's not the most reliable narrator. All of this adds to a sense of mystery behind what exactly Magdalena has done to get herself into trouble. I'm still not entirely sure how to feel about Magdalena after finding out what she's done. Along with this mystery, another issue is occurring, one that involves death/murder.

If you're in the right headspace, then I urge you to pick up this book. It's high on the suspense, fast-paced (of course), and you'll second-guess your thoughts with every new piece of information given.