A review by elliefufu
Crash Into You by Roni Loren


Crash into You, Loving on the Edge series, by Roni Loren
Grade: C-

“She eyed the collection of vibrators, the shear variety astounding her. She shook her head. Dolphins, rabbits, butterflies. Why were they all named after animals? What was sexy about that? If she invented a line, she’d name them after movie stars. The Mark Wahlberg. The Brad Pitt. She smiled. Maybe she had missed her calling.”

Ten years ago Reid Jamison and Brynn LeBreck fell in love while working on Reid’s Uncle’s senatorial campaign. With Brynn Reid can be himself both in and out of the bedroom but those around them know they come from different worlds and want the two to break up. Fast forward ten years and Reid and Brynn are working together and neither one has forgotten the past and the hurt they both caused one another. When Brynn’s sister goes missing the only person she can turn to is Reid and together they go to The Ranch, a BDSM retreat, where Brynn’s sister is. Connecting they way the did in the past bring up old feelings and memories but it also just might be the key to getting them back together.

I love a good smut book and I had very high expectations for this book but I was really let down and annoyed. After reading the back cover and the description on Goodreads I thought there would be a lot of sex and this book would be an erotica but as I started reading it turned into more of a murder-mystery instead and that’s just not what I wanted to read. I was also very disappointed in the lack of BDSM especially when half of the book takes place at a secluded ranch in the middle of Texas where people in the Scene go to have fun. If I had known how little sex, especially naughty sex, was in this book I wouldn’t have bothered reading.

What I did find interesting in that the book tells the story in two parts: then and now. Then deals with how Brynn and Reid meet, bringing out Reid’s dominant and Brynn’s submissive sides and what happened to their relationship. The now deals with Brynn’s sister missing, the fall out of their relationship and their time at the Ranch. I enjoyed both Brynn and Rein in the now chapters but I hated them in the then chapters. I felt the dialogue really went down hill and kind of cheesy when I was reading the then chapters and I missed the snarky Brynn that came out in the now chapters.

As I mentioned before I wanted to read a dirty, naughty, smutty book and I found this to be very lacking in the smut department. There was only one hot scene and the way it ended was horrible and killed the rest of the book for me. I found the rest of the sex scenes too vanilla for my taste and nothing special. One the back cover it says BDSM and sadly in this book the only thing BDSM is people calling each other Master and Sir. I don’t need crazy gagball whipping scenes but don’t sell me a book as a BDSM and then not deliver with some toe curling, face fanning, blood pumping sex.

This book just didn’t do it for me. I spent half of it annoyed at young Brynn and Reid and the other half wondering where the spicy sex scenes were. I didn’t care for the mystery-solving a murder aspect either. All around this was just disappointing and sadly if you’re looking for a little smut this book is not the book for you.