A review by paddlefoot55
Skye by Rhyll Biest


ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

Episode six: Skye

What if your unrequited love turns out not to be unrequited after all?

Skye has returned to Mil Springs after completing her veterinary degree, and is back to see the boy she has always loved, Bret.

But wowsers, when there is a bit of an "incident" she finds out that her feelings are reciprocated by Bret.

And do the sparks fly!

I loved a friends to lovers story, especially when we get a bit of history behind id (which can be hard in such a short story). I didn't feel at all that things were rushed with Skye and Bret and felt that their story took an organic progression to more than friends.

I am really enjoying this series, and looking forward to next week's episode.

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