A review by corndogqueeen
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

(Michelle Williams..... thank youuuuu!!!) I won't be rating this one.... I understand and can sympathize with Britney for all of the abuse she has suffered from her family. Undeniably they were not looking out for her at all and she was grossly mistreated by both her family and the media and continues to be. That said, she is clearly not well and does not seem to have any self awareness. Some of the events she cites and explains from her POV are so blatantly distorted and/or show you she does not understand the gravity of these situations.
SpoilerFor example, she hid in a bathroom with her infant son because she was scared she would never see him again if she returned him to his father as per the custody agreement. She didn't seem to understand at all why that would work against her custody case and how she was in the wrong in that situation, regardless of the distress she was feeling. Another item would be her insisting over and over that her ex husband, family and courts were accusing her of using drugs. She then explains that they were fully lying, and she only took Adderall, "medicine they give kids." She goes on to say she did get high off the Adderall (she was drinking when taking them). This to me is very confusing. I kept expecting her to say something to the extent of "I understand why they could see it that way, but I was not behaving recklessly or endangering anyone" etc.
idk it just was really hard for me to get through this. Again, she has suffered serious trauma and abuse since her childhood. She suffers from mental illness/es. I can understand where she is coming from and how she justifies all of her behavior, but it is evident she does not fully understand the magnitude of some things and some of her actions. I am glad she has her freedom and can try to heal.