A review by nizharu
The Hidden City by David Bowles

Did not finish book.
EDIT: ER... A little aclaration because probably the ones who read this aren't going to understand what I'm talking about so I'm going to say what I'm NOT talking about, I'm not talking about the sexual orientation of the female protagonist, I don't care about it and in fact, I liked it.
Read the book from start to finish, no DNF.

They say that the devil is in the little details, and they are, those little details that can transform something into something else.

A fantastic, heartwarming, epic ending can transform a regular terribad story into a much palatable or even into a beautiful one, like in Punchline.
The contrary is also possible a horrible ending can transform an epic story into a really terrible one, like in Gurren Lagan or GaoGaigar Final.

Then you have the situations in which whatever that happens, happens in the middle of the story because the matter in question is treated poorly, because the author, instead of being, an author, throw all of it's credibility in to the bin, choosing to act like a child.
This was was happened here.

There was a little thing, that instead of being treated with the maturity and respect necessary from an intelligent and responsible adult writer was instead, treated as created by a tactless stupid boy throwing a political tantrum with no idea to write.

I'm not going to read the next book.