A review by emilycsmith
Dumplin' by Julie Murphy


"I think maybe it’s the things we don’t want to talk about that are the things people most want to hear." 👑

This was a short, sweet YA read. I've never been the "skinny girl", so I instantly found common ground with the main character. I both liked her and was frustrated by her. Even though the book is about positivity and relationships, she is kind of a jerk and pushes the people that care about her the most away. At the same time, you get the sense that Willowdean just doesn't know any better than to let life revolve around her, and have hurt and emotions rule her decisions. This book touches on the loss of loved ones, the evolution of friendships, and living in a broken household, all set in the backdrop of the most garish, cringeworthy culture Texas has to offer.

I think what I missed from the author was authenticity, not this Dolly Parton "you are who you create, this is me" mantra. I wish the book had been a little more tactful in several ways. Many problems would have been solved by humility, a simple apology, and a little transparency. Just be real! No need to be extra.

Negative comments aside - it was a fun book, and I don't want to make it seem like it was terrible! The characters were three dimensional, and as cliche as it is, I loved the high school romance bits, as well as the mother-daughter relationship. The ending was not textbook, which I appreciated as well! I'm still tossing around whether or not to read the sequel, but I will probably watch the film adaptation soon. 😊