A review by beckymmoe
1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Sixteen by Elisabeth Naughton, Jennifer Probst, Tessa Bailey, Erika Wilde, Laura Kaye


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 6/5/18.

Somehow, Some Way  by Jennifer Probst

So much fun--loving this series! Brady and Charlie absolutely did not disappoint--they were just amazing together. Watching them go from can-barely-tolerate to can't-stay-away was soooo much fun. Their relationship conflict was believable, and nicely resolved. (Brady's sit-down with his parents was looooong overdue, though. How did he get to be his age and still not truly understand his parents' relationship? Poor, deluded man...)

If you haven't read the other books in the series yet, this one would be a fine way to start--a great intro to the series, without being too spoiler-y for the others. As a novella, it really focuses on the main couple over the previous two. If you have read the others, though, you've been looking forward to seeing what would happen when Brady and Charlie were forced to spend time in close proximity--so settle in and wait to be entertained!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

Too Close to Call by Tessa Bailey

Too Close to Call is a sweet second chance romance. It's #3.5 in theRomancing the Clarksons series, but since there isn't a single Clarkson to be seen here (unless I missed them? I was really trying to keep an eye out, though...) I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it absolutely works as a standalone.

Too Close has a very short time frame--making it perfect for a novella--which gives Kyler's "I'm here to talk her into marrying me before I have to leave again" agenda special urgency.

Which makes his hesitancy to talk to her about a relationship that goes beyond friendship? Kind of confusing.

Still, this book has plenty of hot, steamy moments and Kyler and Bree clearly have an abundance of chemistry, which makes this a quick, fun summer read. Their lack of communication gets frustrating at times (Just talk to her, already! was a common refrain for both this reader and Kyler's mom...) but seriously, everything is made better by an absolutely adorkable epilogue, which made every aggravating moment before that fade to black.

Rating: 3 1/2 stars / B

Hunted by Elisabeth Naughton

I've been meaning to read this series for a while now, and reading one of its novellas seemed like it might be the perfect way to ease into it.

I'm happy to say I wasn't wrong!

Though Ms. Naughton has definitely created a fairly complicated world here, enough of it is revealed in this novella to both satisfy newbies and not bore series readers. Some of the other series characters play side roles, but Erebus and Sera are really the focus of this story, and their backstory is the only one you really need to know to enjoy this book. And enjoy it I did. I have to admit, that the resolution to their big, almost life-as-we-know-it-ending drama practically had me doing a fist pump. (But just almost, because I was lying on my back, using both hands to hold up my e-reader. That would have hurt...) Well played, Ms. Naughton!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

Eyes on You by Laura Kaye

Eyes on You is a quick, hot, sexy and surprisingly sweet read, though I almost wish that Wolf and Liv had a full-length book because I really liked their characters. I loved their meet-cute (Olivia's bad date is truly of epic proportions) and though things moved fairly quick for them, their relationship somehow didn't feel rushed. Like the other books in the series, this one works just fine as a standalone--though if you have read some (or all) of the other books, the little glimpses you see of prior books' MCs adds to the fun.

Rating: 4 stars / A-

The Marriage Diaries by Erika Wilde

For what it is--a series of interludes in which a long-married couple explore their sexuality now that their children are out of the house--it is entertaining. It's lovely to see two people stay together and still have this much heat even after almost twenty years and two kids. However, it's really not a story. There's zero tension here (other than sexual, of course) and absolutely no conflict. Perhaps if this had been a couple that I'd seen struggle through an actual plot in previous book(s) this would have had more of an impact, but as it is it's just two people in a loving relationship having sex. 

Which can be fairly fun to read, but is not an actual story. (Plus, aren't their boys going to come home on leave and breaks and such? How the heck are they going to explain mom and dad's new basement playroom to them???)

Rating: 3 stars / C+

Overall bundle rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.