A review by laurie_p
Supernatural: Night Terror by John Passarella



One of the better tie-in novels so far! Passarella's a good writer and definitely a good horror writer. This guy knows how to make up the creepiest things and to sell them on paper very well. I'll admit, some of the things were a bit over-the-top. (I mean, the guy with the spider really should have died earlier. And I'm pretty sure a human body doesn't get smashed to mush by a car that easily. Twice.) But everything considered, it was a great reading experience. In fact, the first night was so thrilling that near the end of it, I could practically feel some of Sam and Dean's exhaustion. It was a lot - in a good way.

Speaking of Sam and Dean, I thought the author handled their characters very well, as well as their dynamic. Wouldn't have minded Cas making an appearance though!! I also liked the more important side characters and wouldn't have minded if they had been fleshed out a little more. That being said, there are a too many side characters. I honestly couldn't remember who was who at some point. And I've read this book in less than a week, so it's not like it wasn't fresh in my memory. Especially towards the end, Passarella could have easily left out some of the parts from their perspectives. I think that was the only time during this book I got a little bored.

I also really liked the monster of the week, and the fact that it's something we don't see in the show. It added some mystery and urgency to the story as you try to put together the very few pieces the characters get while this thing is wreaking enormous havoc. This was definitely a hard case to crack for the Winchesters, which was nice because the show never has the time for that.