A review by eleellis
The Revelators by Ace Atkins


The Revelators by Ace Atkins is number ten in the Quinn Colson series and picks up exactly where the previous novel left off - with Sheriff Quinn Colson fighting for his life after being ambushed, shot and left for dead.

As the story continues, newly elected and corrupt Governor Vardaman has placed Colson on temporary leave and has inserted his own selected group of crony replacements to enforce the law as they see fit in Tibbehah County, Tennessee. At the same time, Colson and his department have been placed under a fabricated investigation for the corruption in Colson's jurisdiction.

With the replacements doing little of productive law enforcement while conducting acts of overt criminality, Fannie Hathcock has been continuing to grow her own criminal enterprise with free reins. Hathcock's power has taken an upward trajectory, with her criminal invasive tendrils reaching out through any crevice thought to be profitable for her, no matter how nasty. Through her successes, Hathcock becomes even more lethal in her pursuits, seemingly without end.

With corruption running rampant in the county and beyond, Colson and those close to him worry if law and order will return and if those responsible for the lawlessness will ever face justice.

In The Revelators, Atkins brings back previously introduced characters with continued development, while avoiding allowing the characters to grow tiresome and stale and in this tale, doors close and door open, allowing the promise of the return of the Quinn Colson character.

In the Quinn Colson series, Atkins has been one of the rare writers that have been creative enough to maintain a long series without losing steam or missing a beat.

The Revelators is highly recommended to readers that enjoy regional crime thrillers with characters that are believable and storylines that are not impossible to imagine.

This advanced reader copy was provided for the promise of a fair review.