A review by bookstoashes
The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton


3 Stars!

Still questioning why I read erotica when I find them bad 9/10 times.

Thankfully this book wasn't too bad. I found Mick (male protagonist/romance interest) to be a decent guy, which is hard to come by in erotica (most are written as huge jerks).
Tara (the female protagonist/love interest) was the one reason why I didn't enjoy this book much. She jumped to conclusions WAY too fast. Instead of talking to Mick she would assume something and get upset at him for it despite him doing NOTHING wrong which just annoyed me to no end.
Nathan (Tara's son) was probably one of the best characters, he was super sweet and I really appreciated having a MC who actually had a child going into a new relationship because that's not something you see a lot in books.

Side note; if I actually enjoyed sports I might enjoy this series even more, so if you're interested in sports AND sex (though thankfully not at the same time), then you're in luck.

Am I continuing this series? Yes.
Will I regret it? Most likely, but I'm a sucker for trash erotica.