A review by jdsutter
The Day the Angels Fell by Shawn Smucker


This book is mesmerizing. It's a psychological fantasy thriller with religious undertones. That's the only way I can think to describe it. It is weird and wonderful.

If you have a concrete theology about angelic beings that you hold to and don't enjoy considering other possibilities or suspending reality long enough to read a story that dashes most typical ideas of said beings, then you might want to skip this book. But if you don't mind just enjoying a well-told story with some unusual supernatural elements then I'd recommend giving this book a try.

Smucker is an excellent writer. His prose is beautiful and the story world he creates is vivid and filled with such genuine characters that I couldn't help but be pulled into it. This was my first Shawn Smucker book but it won't be my last.

Favorite quote: "Time covers things. But that doesn't mean they're gone."