A review by kara_hildebrand
Love and Pancakes by Lacey Black


Love and Pancakes is Lacey Black's new novel and the first book in the new series, Rockland Falls. This series is a spinoff of one of my favorite series', Summer Sisters. Lacey knows how to deliver the goods with her sexy heroes, sassy leading ladies, laughs, fun and family. We know and love the Summer sisters and their families and we've met Rhenn before. He's Nick's best friend and I fell in love with him in My Kinda Forever. We learned that Orval (Grandpa) has a sister, Mary Ann Grayson. She has two daughters (Marissa and Harper) and two sons (Samuel and Jensen). This is Marissa and Rhenn's story! There's been a fire at the Grayson Bed and Breakfast that Marissa and her mom run. Rhenn was hired to do the electrical work on the house so he's in Rockland Falls for a while, planning on enjoying the sun, the water and maybe a woman or two. Until he meets Marissa. Rhenn has never had a reaction like this to any woman before. It must be a fluke because she's nothing like his usual type. She's little, brunette, and there isn't anything fake about her, inside or out. The sparks fly from the first look and he can't stop thinking about her. But getting involved with the sexy woman isn't a good idea. He's leaving soon. They have to work together. She's kinda like family. Doesn't stop him from fantasizing about her though. Marissa can't believe how hot the electrician is. Who has a right to look that damn good? Rhenn. She thinks she catches him staring and flirting, but that can't be right. She's nothing special and he's gorgeous. But Rhenn is staring and he can't keep his eyes off her. He doesn't see any other women except Marissa. No one even holds a candle to her. Why doesn’t she see what he sees? She's beautiful, funny, smart and sexy. And he wants her. Period. To say he's shocked when she propositions him is the understatement of the century. Yes, please. When, where and how? Will Rhenn be able to walk away when his time is up? Will Marissa be the woman who changes his mind about love? I loved this story! I laughed, cried, got hot and bothered and laughed some more. I loved meeting this new family and really loved seeing Nick, Meghan and a few other Summers as well! Rhenn was everything I thought he would be and so much more. If you've read Lacey before you will already want to read this. If you are new to her, get this book! Start this new series. Fall in love with these characters. Lacey will always give you want you need!

That’s why I must initiate my Rhenn Burleski force field, keeping him and his sexy eyes and masculine scent and tree trunk thighs and broad shoulders and…
Where was I going with this?

“First time I saw boobs and got a boner,” Nick adds, pulling his wife into his embrace and holding her close.
“Where did you get Penthouse?” Meghan asks, glancing over to Rhenn as if he’s instantly the guilty party.
“Don’t look at me like that. Your husband found it and showed it to me.”
“Bullshit, asshole! I only found it because you told me to snoop in my dad’s office.”
“I told you to look for spare change to buy candy. Not porn,” Rhenn blasts, giving his friend a pointed look.

“I’m completely turned on right now,” I deadpan, watching her devour her PB and J sandwich.
“Of course you are. You’re breathing,” she teases, shoulder bumping me as I polish off my lunch.
“It’s you. You have this reaction on me,” I confess, though I assume she already knows. It’s definitely no secret.