A review by ponts
I, Ada: Ada Lovelace: Rebel. Genius. Visionary by Julia Gray


2.5 Stars

I did enjoy myself while reading, although it took me forever to finish this book. Which is in parts the fault of the 20 thousand exams I had to write and in another part the fault of the way my brain works. As I tend to read from chapter to chapter and then make a little pause before continuing on, so having around 50 chapters is kinda distracting.

Another thing that I hated is that it felt as if all progress we had made characterwise in the plot suddenly vanished. There was a hard cut between the Ada we saw for the majority of the novel and the Ada that acted in the last chapter in the Prologue. And that felt to me as if Julia Gray wrote about an idea she had of Ada Lovelace and than suddenly needed to make her idea fit in with history, which didn't blend in well.

It is a fine novel apart from the ending though.