A review by laura_howard
Fear of Flying by Erica Jong


I was expecting the descriptors "fearless" and "revolutionary" in regards to "womanhood" to equate to a strong feminist character, a role model of sorts and instead it equates to a woman open to multiple sexual encounters with men who end up making her feel unsatisfied, or worse...like shit, under the guise of being "liberated" AND multiple unwanted sexual encounters where she has to ward off men who feel entitled to her body and then laugh off their despicable behavior when rejected. At first the main character was disappointing, but sadly realistic in her confused, lost journey and the men were disappointing because they, too, were sadly realistic. While reading this novel, one word resonated in my mind: broken. I guess the feminist action here is pointing out reality to (hopefully!) set the balls in motion to fix it...that would be revolutionary.